Monday, January 17, 2011

New dress form and Projects

I made a dress form over the weekend out of duct tape. I've seen it done on You-Tube, and figured I could do it. I asked my husband to help me. Surprisingly, once it was completed, my measurements were pretty accurate! The only thing left to do now is put it on a stand.

With the assistance of my dress form I was able to complete a skirt I have been working on since May. I also took a trip to Joann's to purchase fabric that is on clearance and pick up a few Simplicity patterns.
My new sewing machine and serger work like a dream!


Janette said...

so cool. can't wait to see all the things you make:)

Keechler said...

Very cool! My new ward has a monthly sewing class for beginners, so maybe I'll finally learn to thread my machine. I think I've been taught a hundred times, but I always forget by the time I can actually find time to make something.