Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Last night I finished Breaking Dawn. It was such a great story, but I am glad to be done. Now I can move on with my life...at least for a while. Jason has never seen me so involved in a book before (remember he was out of town when I read the first three) He started teasing me last night as I was reading and cooking dinner at the same time. Later, he asked me if Stephenie Meyer had any other books out and I told him yes. He then said to me "So when are you going to start reading her other books?" I told him not for a while. I am going to give myself a break since I get so involved it's like a sickness.

Now that my main focus in life is over, I might actually get some stuff done.


Christy said...

Cool Janeen. I think I'll send Brooke over to your house while I read Breaking Dawn. Just kidding. :)

Janeen said...

Hey Christy--You know I wouldn't mind watching her. We'll just drape her in a bunch of costume jewelry!!